Lewis Hamilton, who signed a multi-year contract with Ferrari, admitted that he “definitely” has a retirement date in mind, despite the fact that he occasionally wonders “how much longer I can go”.
Hamilton startled the Formula One world earlier this year when he stated that 2024 would be his 12th and final season with Mercedes, with whom he has won six World Championships, as he will be moving to Ferrari the following year.
Lewis Hamilton: I’ll know when to stop.

The Briton has signed a multi-year contract with the Scuderia, but neither party has revealed the exact terms.
While it has been speculated that it is a two-year contract with a third option, former Ferrari driver Felipe Massa believes it could be just one “depending on how long he wants to continue, and what the results are”.
However, the 39-year-old Hamilton, who is currently in his 18th season in the sport, has a time frame in mind.
“I definitely do,” he told Esquire when asked about it.
“Some days I’m like, ‘Shoot, I don’t know how much longer I can go.'” There are days when I think, ‘Shoot, I’d love a break, a true break. Because, unlike other sports, there is no significant break during the season.
“You don’t finish until mid to late December, and then you start training again in January, twice a day. You are also completing another couple of hours of therapy during that time. So you’re not getting a lot of downtime.
“And in February, you’re flat-out running until December.”
When told that seems ‘quite tough’, the seven-time World Champion replied that he “mentally” does have “a plan of where I would like to extend to” considering his racing responsibilities extend beyond the track.
“I’ve just got to strategize and sequence things,” he told me. “I’m very much into sequencing, such as looking at brands with whom I cooperate, companies that I’m essentially beginning, how I manage my time between all of that, and how I’m still able to devote myself to this profession.
“Is there ever a point when I’m not all in and simply don’t love it anymore? That’s the moment I hope never happens, because I’ve fallen out of love with it. But I will know when to stop.”
When asked if he’ll ‘feel it’ when the time comes, he said, “I want to make sure I really max it out while I can and fully enjoy this sport I’ve done my entire life.”
“There are so many people who have stopped their jobs early, and I’ve met with many who wish they could have stayed another year or two.
“And they say, ‘Stay in as long as you can!’
“But I don’t want to do anything unless I’m good.
“So, how much would you like to train? When you’re 22, it’s so simple to work out and stay fit. “There is no recovery and you have no other responsibilities except to kill.”Now the question is, “How can you stay sharp and do all of those things while competing with those young guys in their twenties?”
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